Boundary Commission

1877 38 Government
Certification: 38
Ahupua`a Kamao
Island Lanai
Ownership: Government
Year: 1877
Statistics: 2725 characters 464 words
Kamao Ahupuaa, District of Lahaina, Island of Lanai, Boundary Commission, Maui, Volume No. 2, p. 115

No. 38

Survey of the government Land of “Kamao,” Lanai

Commending at a concrete post (the same being the point of commencement of Palawai Survey) at the shore near the Middle of Manele Harbor, the boundary runs:

1. North 67° 55' West true 1940 feet along Palawai to a stone on the West side of the road marked with a cross; thence
2. North 16° 30' West true 850 feet along Palaw ....

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.... uth 52° 54' East true 980 feet along Kaohai down ridge;
17. South 42° 37' East true 1420 feet along Kaohai down ridge to a large pile of stones over a cross cut in a stone at sea shore. Thence
18. South 68° 47' West true 11475 feet along sea shore to point of Commencement
Area 2715.1 Acres. Exclusion of Award
Surveyed by M.D. Monsarrat, Assistant Hawaiian Government Survey
Lanai June 1877

[No. 38, Kamao Ahupuaa, District of Lahaina, Island of Lanai, Boundary Commission, 2715.1 Acres, 1877]