Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 00808
Claimant: Kalaeloa
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Oahu
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Honolulu, Kapalama
Ili: Iwilei
Statistics: 3783 characters 611 words
No. 808, Kalaeloa, Kuleana, 1847
N.R. 442v2

The interest of my makuakane was from the time of Kamehameha First, and he died in the time of Kamehameha III. I, his own son, really inherited. This is the basis of our right in this place. I, his son, was bequeathed it, until this time. The claim begins.

N.R. 551-552v5
No. 8401!, Kalaeloa, See 442, vol. 2, No. 808
[should be 808]

I hereby state my claim for land at Kaukahoku, an `Ili in Kapalama for some taro lo`is.
KALAELOA X, his mark
District 2, Island of Oahu

F.T. 254v2
Claim 808, Kalaeloa, 29 March [1848]

Kaumoa, sworn, This land is called Iwilei in Honolu ....

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.... boundaries are:
Kekuanaoa's land, Ewa
Hoonaulu's land, mountainside
John Meek's land, Waikiki
and Moses Kekuaiwa's land, toward the sea.

Kalaeloa's land had been from me. He has four patches and had received this land in the year 1846, by my giving it to him without cost. My land had been from the king during the time of Kaomi. I have not known that anyone has objected to Kalaeloa. There is no enclosure on this property and neither is there any house on this land.

Upai, sworn and said, "I have seen the taro land of Kalaeloa like all of the things Kekai has been abusing."

[Award 808; R.P. 1978; Iwilei Honolulu Kona; 1 ap.; .02 Ac.; Kapalama Kona; 1 ap.; ,85 Ac.]