Boundary Commission

1879 046 Kamahae
Certification: 046
Ahupua`a Honolulu
District: Kona
Island Oahu
Ownership: Kamahae
Misc: portion
Year: 1879
Statistics: 4686 characters 767 words
Koinui Ili, Apana 8, Honolulu Ahupuaa, District of Kona, Island of Oahu, Boundary Commission, Oahu, Volume 1, No. 2, pps 374-376

In the Matter of the Application of Cecil Brown, Attorney for Kamohai for settlement of boundaries of apana 8 in the Ili-aina of Koinui, Honolulu, Award No. 6236. [Kaaiawaawa].


Boundary Commissioner's Office, No. 23, Merchant Street
June 27th 1879

Due notice having been given to all parties interested by service of notice on Mrs. E.K. Nahaolelua (served by mail at Lahaina Maui); H.T. Reynolds, Puhibaka Malia Koanui and Kama Aho opio; the above matter came in for hearing this day at 2 p.m.

Present: C. Brown for applicant and H.T. Reynolds, J.F. Brown, surveyor and Puhibaka.

C. Brown produces survey made by J.F. Brown, dated June 14th 1870 of the said premises, and admits boundaries as laid down in said su ....

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.... own, dated June 14th 1879, and filed in this office.
Witness my hand this 28th day of June A.D. 1879 [page 376]
Rich. F. Bickerton, Commissioner of Boundaries for Island of Oahu

To.R. F. Bickerton, Esquire, Commissioner of boundaries for the Island of Oahu

Upon behalf of Kamohai, kane, I beg to make application for a settlement of the Boundaries of that piece of land situated in the Ili aina of Koinui, Honolulu, Oahu and more particularly described in the plan and survey submitted herewith, the same being a portion of the land awarded to Kaaiawaawa by Land Commission Award No. 6236.

The owners of the adjoining lands are Mrs. E. K. Nahaolelua, H.T. Reynolds, Puhibaka, and Malia Koani and Kama Aha opio.
Dated, Honolulu, June 16th 1879

[No. 46, Koinui Ili, Apana 8, Honolulu Ahupuaa, District of Kona, Island of Oahu, Boundary Commission, .90 Acre, 1879]