Statistics: 1926 characters 311 words
No. 796, Batamia, Honolulu, Oahu October 41, 1847
N.R. 436v2
To the Land Commissioners, Greetings: hereby tell you of my land claim. At Aala in Honolulu, one small taro patch, an auwai /irrigation ditch/ is the second adjoining the taro patch of Kamaikahulipu. It is held peacefully under the konohiki.
I am, with aloha,
F ....
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.... land. He is now living there in peace, although his house is located at some other place away from the farm and the farm only is here."
Naiamaneo, sworn and stated, "My testimony on everything about Batamia's land is the same as Kahili has related here. No one has ever objected to him."
[Award 796; R.P. 141; Aala Honolulu Kona; 1 ap.; .55 Ac.]