Boundary Commission

1875 Kaleleonalani, Emma
Ahupua`a Pahoehoe 2
District: Kona, North
Island Hawaii
Ownership: Kaleleonalani, Emma
Misc: no survey
Year: 1875
Statistics: 2690 characters 414 words
Pahoehoe 2 Ahupuaa, District of South Kona, Island of Hawaii, Boundary Commission, Hawaii, Volume A, No. 1, p. 453

To Honorable R.A. Lyman, Boundary Commissioner, Island of Hawaii

May it please your Honor to set a day for the hearing and deciding of the Boundaries of the following lands belonging to Her Highness, Emma Leleolani, Queen Dowager, viz.

Kawaihae Hikina in South Kohala
Waiaka 1st (Ili of Waimea), South Kohala
Waiaha 2d, North Kona
Pahoehoe & Konawahi, North Kona

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.... s;s mauka Kipapa No. 3037. On the North side Patent No. 1857, then in the middle Haleluhi No. [left blank] mauka Paakea No. 1857 to mauka corner.

Case continued till Royal Patents or copies are filed, and Notes of survey of this land to be filed previous to Certificate of Boundaries being [issued].
R.A. Lyman, Commissioner of Boundaries, 3rd Judicial Circuit

Costs to date $11.- paid April 9, 1875

[No number, Pahoehoe 2 Ahupuaa, District of South Kona, Island of Hawaii, Boundary Commission, 1875]