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Keopu 3d Ahupuaa, District of North Kona, Island of Hawaii, Boundary Commission, Hawaii, Volume A, No. 1, p. 242-244
Honorable R.A. Lyman, Boundary Commissioner for Island of Hawaii
The undersigned would herewith make application for the settlement of the boundaries of the following Ahupuaas or lands belonging to Her Excellency, R. Keliikolani; viz.
Kikala, Hilo Hawaii, bounded by Maumau adjoining lands unknown
Haiku, Hilo Hawaii, bounding lands unknown
Kauniho, Hilo, Hawaii bounding lands unknown
Waikaumalo, Hilo Hawaii, bounding lands unknown
Lepoloa, Hilo, Hawaii, bounding lands unknown
Piha, Hilo, Hawaii, bounding lands unknown
Kaulakailio, Hilo, Hawaii, bounding lands unknown
Kaiwiki, Hamakua, Hawaii Humuula & other lands
Kalakalaula, Hamakua, Hawaii, bounds unknown
Kapoaula, Hamakua, Hawaii, adjoining lands unknown
Kemau, Hamakua, Hawaii, adjoining lands unknown
Pohakuhaku, Hamakua, Hawaii, adjoining lands unknown
Waikaloa, Hamakua, Hawaii, adjoining lands unknown
Paalaea, Hamakua, Hawaii, adjoining lands unknown
Kaala, Hamakua, Hawaii, adjoining lands unknown
Manowaialei, Hamakua, Hawaii, adjoining lands Humuula &c
Keahua, Hamakua, Hawaii, adjoining lands not known
Kana, Hamakua, Hawaii, adjoining lands not known
Kapaaula, Hamakua, Hawaii, adjoining lands not known
Waialeale, Hamakua, Hawaii, adjoining lands not known [page 243]
Niulii, Kohala, Hawaii, adjoining lands not known
Puanuipoepoe, Kohala, Hawaii
Puanui, Kohala, Hawaii
Hamanamana, Kona, Hawaii
Opea, Kona, Hawaii
Keopu 3rd, Kona, Hawaii
Kailua, Kona, Hawaii
Kulihee, Kona, Hawaii
Kaaipuhi, Kona, Hawaii
Niumalii, Kona, Hawaii [Niumalu?] ....
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.... f.
Note: The above witness is rather a hard one to get testimony from, He is unable to identify the mauka boundary of his land, and as he has given the boundaries of Keopu adjoining his land, from the makai side.
Note 2. Where the boundaries follow along Royal Patents evidence is not taken.
[page 304]
Kapea, kane, sworn, I was born at Kawaihae, Kohala, Hawaii at the time of Mailikini; have lived here ever since I was small, and know a part of the boundaries. Kuakini pointed out the boundaries to us as we were his Kahu. Keopu ends at Puupaihe, a kuaahu kalaiwaa, on the old road to Koleapaio, thence the boundary runs makai along Honuaula to Waiahale punawai, a spring below the wall.
From Puupaihe to Kaaikala mauka corner of Keopu where Lanihau cuts it off at an old mahina ai of Governor Adams; thence turn makai along Keopu 2nd to Luluka, a cave on land sold, said cave is in the fern. Hanaio is mauka of Luluka, an awaawa corner of land sold.
Testimony closed
Case continued until further notice to interested parties as there is a dispute as to whether Patent No. 3100, commenced at sea shore or at Governor Adam's old wall, and the notice of survey in said patent seems to be incorrect.
R.A. Lyman, Commissioner of Boundaries, 3d Judicial Circuit
Patent No. 3100 incorrect & new copy of Patent issued.
Notes of survey of Keopu 3d to be filed previous to Certificate of Boundaries being issued.
R.A. Lyman, Commissioner of Boundaries, 3d Judicial Circuit
Costs 1 day hearing 10.-; recording 8 folio 2.-; = 12.- Paid May 28, 1874
[No number, Keopu 3d Ahupuaa, District of North Kona, Island of Hawaii, Boundary Commission, 1873, no survey]