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Puuepa 1st Ahupuaa, District of North Kohala, Island of Hawaii, Boundary Commission, Hawaii, Volume A, No. 1, pps 163-164
The Ahupuaa of Puuepa 1st, District of Kohala, Island of Hawaii, 3d Judicial Circuit
The Boundary Commissioner met at Puuhue on this 15 day of April A.D. 1873 to hear the application of C.R. Bishop for the settlement of the Boundaries of Puuepa 1st, North Kohala, Hawaii. Notice personally served on owners of adjoining lands as far as known.
Present: S.C. Wiltse on part of applicant, Pahiha for self.
Petition read in English and Native as follows:
Honolulu, April 1st 1873
R.A. Lyman, Esquire, Commissioner of Boundaries &c., Hawaii
The undersigned, acting for Madam Akahi, would respectfully request that the boundaries of her land, the Ahupuaa of Puuepa, in Kohala, Hawaii now under lease to Dr. J. Wight, be defined, and settled. The survey of the said land and the notes of the same will be in possession of Mr. S.C. Wiltse, of Hamakua, who will present them at the hearing and act for Akahi.
This land of Puuepa is bounded by the sea by one of the Puuepas belonging to Government and J. Wight; Ahikiaa belonging to Government, and by Kukuipahu, belonging to H. Christiansen.
I think the boundary of one side at least, of this ahupuaa, has already been defined by you, at a hearing upon a former application by His Excellency, J.O. Dominis, in which R.H. Stanley, was employed.
(Signed) C.R. Bishop
Note: Royal Patents Nos 735 and 2764 filed. Boundary between Puuepa 1st and 2nd were settled April 1871 at Waimea. See Certificate of Boundaries No. 10.
Pahiha, kane, sworn, I was born at Kokoike before the building of Kiholo; was old enough at that time to carry stones; [page 164] have al ....
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.... nd I do hereby decide and certify that the boundaries of the said land are, and hereafter shall be as hereinbefore set forth.
Given under my hand at Hilo, Island of Hawaii, the 12th day of December A.D. One thousand eight hundred and eighty one.
F.S. Lyman, Commissioner of Boundaries
(Costs see B2)
Puuepa 1st Ahupuaa, District of North Kohala, Island of Hawaii, Boundary Commission, Hawaii, Volume B, p. 454
Land Boundary Commission, Third Judicial District, Hawaiian Islands, Island of Hawaii
Land of Puepa 1st, North Kohala, Hawaii
The notes of survey and description of the Land of Puuepa 1st, having been filed by C.J. Lyons of the Government Survey department, in behalf of Honorable C.R. Bishop, the owner of that said land, in September 1881, viz.:
Description of the Boundaries of the Ahupuaa of Puuepa 1, Kohala, Hawaii, as surveyed by C.J. Lyons in 1853 for L. Haalelea, then claimant for said land. These lines agree with adjoining Patents, and are accepted by the Government as the limits of Hukiaa and Puuepa 2, both Government Lands (see Book 3 I, p. for notes of survey) August 18, 1881
(Signed C.J. Lyons
Dr J. Wight, having been noted of the above, accepts the said survey, if it agrees with the lines of the adjoining Grants. It is therefore decided that the Boundaries of said land are, and shall be as given in said notes of Survey.
December 14, 1881
F.S. Lyman, Commissioner of Boundaries
To 1 day settling Boundaries $10.00; To Certificate of Boundaries 2.00; 7 folio description in Certificate @ 50c, .50; $15.50 Paid
Interior Department; To copy Certificate 8 folio @ .25c $200; To Copy Certificate 2.00; $4.00 paid
[No 139, Puuepa 1st Ahupuaa, District of North Kohala, Island of Hawaii, 466 acres, 1881]