Boundary Commission

1882 148 Wight, Dr. James
Certification: 148
Ahupua`a Kapaa Nui
District: Kohala, North
Island Hawaii
Ownership: Wight, Dr. James
Year: 1882
Statistics: 5806 characters 955 words
Kapaa Nui Ahupuaa, District of North Kohala, Island of Hawaii, Boundary Commission, Hawaii, Volume D, No. 5, pps 6-7

Application, Kapaa nui
Kohala, Hawaii, July 11th 1882
F.S. Lyman, Esquire, Commissioner of Boundaries, Hilo, Hawaii

Dear Sir:
In addition to those lands of which I have applied for the settlement of the boundaries for Dr. Wight I would also make the same application on behalf of the same person etc. [for the settlement of boundaries of Puuokumau, Kohala, Hawaii] and also for the settlement of Land of Kapaa nui, Kohala, Hawaii, on behalf of James Woods. I will furnish reliable and tested surveys of said lands
Respectfully yours,
(Signed) J.M. Lydgate

[page 7]
Land Boundary Commission, Third Judicial District, Hawaiian Islands, Island of Hawaii

Land of Kapaa nui, North Kohala, Hawaii

Met in the Governor's office at Hilo, August 10th 1882, according to Notice published in the Hawaiian Gazette of July.

J.M. Lydgate appears in behalf of the applicant, James Woods, and also of the Hawaiian Government, with notes of survey of sa ....

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.... e along that Grant
South 75.25 West (magnetic) 686 feet along Kalimalena
South 78.00 West (magnetic) 3005 feet along Kalimalena
South 80.30 West (magnetic) 2743 feet to large pile of stones 10 feet high in a rocky place about 800 feet makai of Mahukona Road; From here Puu o Nale Government Survey Station 267.55, Puu Ula Government Survey Station 198.00
81.31 9910 to large pile of stones on high ridge overlooking the sea shore; From here Puu Ula 226.42, Puu o Nale 264.35, Puu Mamo 253.40
86.38 1160 to old Heiau or wall of stones on sea shore to point of Commencement, a direct distance of 2480 feet
Containing 895 Acres
Surveyed and adjusted by J.M. Lydgate, July 1882

It is therefore adjudged, and I do hereby decide [page 26] and certify that the Boundaries of the said Land are, and hereafter shall be as hereinbefore set forth.
Given under my hand at Hilo Island [sic] 20th of September, A.D. one thousand eight hundred and eighty two.
F.S. Lyman, Commissioner of Boundaries

[No. 148, Kapaa Nui Ahupuaa, District of North Kohala, Island of Hawaii, Boundary Commission, 895 Acres, 1882]