Mahele Documents

12/28/2016 10:51:03 PM - last modified
Claim Number: 00746
Claimant: Naholowaa
Other claimant:Hoa
Other name:
Island: Oahu
District: Kona, Ewa
Ahupuaa: Honolulu, Honouliuli
Statistics: 2062 characters 306 words
No. 746, Naholowaa, 1570 Honouliuli, September 18, 1847
N.R. 406v2

To the Honorable Land Commissioners of the Hawaiian Islands, Greetings: I hereby tell of my claim to you, as directed by the law. This land is at Honouliuli, Ewa, Island of Oahu. Its boundaries are: on the north, the pond of Kalahu; on the east, the land of Kalama; on the south, Puaaluu; on the west, the pond of Kalahu. Also, ....

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.... 39;s (Reynolds) lot, oceanside
Hikiau's lot and Habatala's (Harbottle's) lot, Waikiki.

Naho-lowaa had a house only, the land had been for Kalunaaina and upon his death, Lupe, his daughter, was the heir. I had lived on this property in the adobe of Hoaa which is in this house lot."

See Kalunaaina's objections, No. 167

[No. 746 not awarded; See Award 157C]