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No. 11219, Hawaiian Government, Awards p. 256--258, volume 10
No. 11219. The Hawaiian Government
In the claim of Hazaleleponi Kalama No. 4452 for the Ili of "Waikahalulu," in Honolulu, Island of Oahu.
This is a Claim by the Hawaiian Government for the Makai or Sea portion of the Ili of "Waikahalulu," on the eastern side of the Harbor of Honolulu.
"Note. No evidence is on the Books in a written form of Testimony. The Council deciding the Case by hearing in a separate part of the Room. Consisting of of President Lee, G.M. Robertson, J. Kekaulahao who drew up this decision.
After duly weighing all the Evidence on this claim, the Board of Land Commissioners do hereby decide, that the land in question, together with all the rights & privileges thereunto appertaning, belongs to the Hawaian Government; and that Hazaleleponi Kalama has no right whatever therein, for the following reasons: ....
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.... uth 0° 30' West 177 feet, thence easterly along Wall on the North side of Punchbowl Street 15 feet, thence
South 3° 0' West 160 feet across Street & along Kaialome's wall, thence along the bank of Kaina's small fish pond
South 86° West 46 feet, thence in a bent line along the bank of taro small fish pond
South 9° 0' West 127 feet thence along high water mark towards the angle of a stone wall
South 54° 0' West 56 feet, thence
South 88° 15' West to the Buoy, and on in the same line to 20 feet depth at high water, thence round in 20 feet depth at high water in a northerly direction to the point of commencement.
Area 47 84/100 Acres.
Honolulu 20 January 1854
Scale 30 feet 1 inch. Wm Webster, Surveyor
January 31st 1854, William L. Lee, G.R. Robertson, J.K. Smith (formerly?), S. Kekaulahao
[No. 11219, R.P. 8489; Waikahalulu Honolulu; 1 ap.; 47.84 Acs