Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 11082
Claimant: Kaukoke, S.
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Oahu
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Honolulu
Ili: Kalawahine
Statistics: 2376 characters 371 words
No. 11082, S. Kaukoke, Kalawahine, December 28, 1847
N.R. 633v4

To the Honorable Land Commissioners of the Hawaiian Islands, Greet-ings: I hereby state my claim for lo`i land, however, it is a half of a lo`i, at Kalawahine, Honolulu. It is bounded on the north by the vineyard; on the east by the lo`i of Kawelo; on the south by the lo`i of Makahopu; on the west by the half of Makahopu. I got if from Makahopu and have been there twelve years. My hou ....

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.... 1/4 taro patch
Mauka, vineyard
Waikiki, John Ii's land
Makai, Kamaile's land
Ewa, Makahopu's land.

Section 3: The boundaries are the same and we have known alike as Batimea about the acquiring of the land

Makaula, sworn, I have heard the testimony; it is right and accurate. The time he had received the land was just as Batimea has stated.

[Award 11082; R.P. 6677; Kalawahine Honolulu Kona; 3 ap.; .63 Acs]