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No. 11034, George Shaw
N.R. 552v6
I, George Shaw, hereby state my claim which was from the Mo`i. it is one half of Kuholilea, Miana, an Ahupua`a in Lahaina, Maui. That is my petition to you,
F.T. 471v7
Cl. 11034, George Shaw
Z. ....
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.... iulaiki, an Ahupua`a at Kipahulu, East Maui. It is an ancient land from the kupunas of his wahine, from the time of Kamehameha II until the present. Formerly Maunahina /his wahine/ lived under the Mo`i, and at this time under the Government.
[No. 11034 not awarded; See also 11032 for Native Register and Award 11033]