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No. 10978, Wahea, Kahana, Koolauloa
N.R. 621-622v4
To the Land Commissioners, Greetings: I hereby state my claim for land in the Ahupua`a of Kahana, District 5, Division 4, Island Of Oahu. There are four taro lo`i, ten weed-grown lo`i, two kula, one house site. One ku ....
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The house lot is in another place. There is one house on it. It is not enclosed. Claimant has held the land for about 10 years.
Kapaakea, the konohiki, had no objections to make to this claim.
[Award 10978; R.P. 2912 1/2; Kahana Koolauloa; 2 ap.; 2.59 Acs]