Mahele Documents

10800 Malaopu, brother
Claim Number: 10800
Claimant: Puhalahua
Other claimant:Malaopu, brother
Other name:
Island: Oahu
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Honolulu
Ili: Polelewa, Fort St.
Statistics: 3660 characters 656 words
No. 10800, Puhalahua, Honolulu, January 29, 1848
N.R. 592v4

I have a claim for a lot at Polelewa, which is bounded on the north by the Government Road, on the east by the lot of the haole, on the south by the lot of Kamaki and a side of the Government Road, on the west by the lot of Kaule and also of the haole. There is a pathway in the middle of my house lot. I wish to have it in perpetuity and under the Ali`i. If someone writes wrongly for my lot, it is cheating - the truth is that it is mine.
Yours truly,

F.T. 117v3
No. N0800, Puhalahua, 30 March 1849, counter to Cl. 533, Kekupuohi. Examined R.L. Vol II, p. 305

Kamaka, I know this lot ....

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.... puohi probably. I have not known her landlord who had lived there.

Kamahiai, sworn, I have known the reason Puhalahua have lived there. Mahune has been the reason; however, I do not know the person who had given Mahune that land. I have seen Mahune and Puhalahua living with Kaiole in one section as I had seen it at that time, now there are two sections to this land. Mahune has sold a portion of this land to Makee, thinking that the land is his land.

Malaope, another young brother of Mahune, has stated himself that he had filed his claim and it is the same as Puhalahua's interest.

Page 446 [See No. 533, Kekupuohi]

[No. 10800 not awarded; No. 533 not awarded; See Award No. 8]