Mahele Documents

11/4/2015 10:59:11 AM - last modified
Claim Number: 10697
Claimant: Puahiki
Other claimant:Puahiki II, younger brother
Other name:
Island: Kauai
District: Halelea
Ahupuaa: Wainiha
Ili: Kaumaia
Statistics: 2352 characters 348 words
No. 10697, Puahiki
N.R. 320-321v9

To the Land Commissioners, greetings: I hereby explain my land at Wainiha, which is named Kaumaia. Its diagram is as follows; on the east, one hundred and fifty-four /fathoms/ and also on the west, one hundred and fifty-four fathoms. This land is bounded on various sides by a muliwai. There is also a pasture at the muliwai of Wainiha, which is /on/ the water. it is 350 fathoms on each of the four sides. That is my ....

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.... >Makai by Awaawa
Koolau by Kaumaia pali.

Section 2
Mauka and all sides by Wainiha river.

This land had been for Kahui as Konohiki of Wainiha at the time and he gave it to Puahiki. Puahiki is deceased and his land was conveyed to his younger brother, Puahiki II, as an heir. No objections.

Kapua, sworn, he has seen this land exactly as Kowelo has related here.

[Award 10697; R.P. 6704; Kaumaia Wainiha Halelea; 1 ap.; 1Ac 1 rood]