Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 10632
Claimant: Pahao
Other claimant:
Other name: Paahao/Pakao
Island: Kauai
District: Kona; Puna
Ahupuaa: Wahiawa, Kalapaki
Ili: Kahookaeo, Palanohi
Statistics: 2215 characters 365 words
No. 10632, Pahao
N.R. 301v9

To the Land Commissioners, greetings: I hereby state my claim for land at Wahiawa on the island of Kauai. There are 14 lo`i in the land which is named Kahookaeo. It is as follows:


There is a small lihi /edge, or border/ which adjoins the land, and in it is my pig enclosure and a clump of hau. Also there is a lihi on the seashore, named Kapukaulua.


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Kauhailawa, sworn, he has seen claimant's land in the ili of Palanohi in Kalapaki of 12 lois.

Mauka by Puhau
Wailua by Palanohi pali
Makai by Puhau
Kipu by pali.

Kauhailawa, the Konohiki had given this land to Pahau at the time of Kaikioewa, no one objected.

Papaa, sworn, he was present, he heard Kauhailawa's testimony, it is true.

[No. 10632 not awarded]