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No. 10628, Puhi, Land, Claim
N.R. 300v9
Hear ye, ye Land Commissioners: I hereby state my claim which is 1568 feet long by 1056 feet wide.
January 31, 1858
F.T. 108-109v12
No. 10628, Puhi, Claimant
Pakaa, sworn, says I know the lands of Puhi in Kealia as follows:
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.... akoi named Kuaiula.
Mauka by Kuaiula, brush loi
Anahola by Koholapooko
Makai by Naakai
Puna by Onioni.
Land received securely before 1835, from the Konohiki.
Keikinui, sworn, he has seen Puhi's lands in the same way as Pakaa.
[Award 10628; R.P. 7361; Kaunakakai Kealia Puna; 2 ap. 1 Ac 7 rods]