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No. 10585, G. Olaelae, Waianae, January 11, 1848
N.R. 565-566v4
To the Honorable Land Commissioners of the Hawaiian Islands, Greetings: I hereby state my claim for land at Wailele in Lehanonui, Waianae, Island of Oahu. It is bounded on the north by the land of Kamokuwalole, on the east by the land of Keonekapu, on the south by the lo'i ko'ele of Holeipalaoa, on the west by the land of Kahaleula. My lo`i is set crookedly in this place, as follows: counting from the north, the lo`i of Kahaleula, on the east, the land of Kamokuwaiole, on the south the lo`i of Kahaleula, on the west, ....
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.... 1 section.
Section 1:
Mauka by Kamai's koele patch
Ewa by Kuapaapaa, a moo land
Makai by Keoneula of Pup.(?), koele patch
Waianae by Mooiki, a moo land.
Section 2 - 3 patches in Opu moo land and a house site.
Mauka by Hog sty, ditch
Ewa by Waikele moo land
Makai by Opu koele patch
Waianae by Kanai's koele patch, ditch.
Land from Kaneakama at the time of Kaahumanu. No objections.
Kenai, sworn, he has known in the same way as Lauhulu. (See Hina)
[Award 10585; R.P. 2885; Lupoka, Pahoa Waianae; 5 ap.; 3.14 Acs.]