Mahele Documents

10582 Naeluhi, blind person
Claim Number: 10582
Claimant: Opunui, I.
Other claimant:Naeluhi, blind person
Other name:
Island: Hawaii
District: Hamakua
Ahupuaa: Kukuihaele, Waipio
Ili: Kamakaia, Poolakike, Napoopoo, Naiapalea, Lalokea, Naiakane
Statistics: 2363 characters 385 words
No. 10582, I. Opunui
N.R. 369v8

Greetings to the Land Commissioners: I hereby tell you of my house lot which is 40 fathoms by 40 fathoms. It is at Kukuihaele, Hamakua, Hawaii, and I also have an ili there named Kamakaia. From the time of Kamehameha I I have lived and farmed there. There is sugar cane, mamaki and bananas at Poolakike at Waipio at the pali, and I have 17 taro loi in Waipio. I hereby explain the claim of Naeluhi, the blind person, a ....

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.... No. 10582, Opunui, October 16, 1848, See page 162

Naailuhi, sworn and stated, I have seen there is in the ili land at Papaliuahoa of Waipio ahupuaa.
Mauka by precipice and a stream
Kohala by stream
Makai by Kolii's land
Hilo by Pulu's land.
10 cultivated patches, no house.

I had given him his interest in 1831; no one has objected to this day.

[Award 10582; R.P. 7902; Kukuihaele Hamakua; 1 ap.; 6.8 Acs]