Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 00674
Claimant: Popoki, wahine
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Oahu
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Kapalama
Ili: Pualoalo
Statistics: 2606 characters 433 words
No. 674, Popoki, Fort of Honolulu, 14 September 1847
N.R. 340-341v2

To the land Commissioner, Wm. Richards and your fellow seekers in this profession, Greetings:

As in the Law, therefore I petition, being a natural born subject of the Mo`i, with the thought that you might consent to investigate quickly, because my crops have been taken away, together with the taro patches and the right to the house, and I have been evicted.

However, I lived on this land for 20 years or m ....

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.... #34;This property is a Kapalama here in Honolulu.

Napoeha's lot is toward the mountain
Kahinu, Ewa
Paewahine, Waikiki and
Huakini is toward the sea.

This land has not been enclosed and there is no house. Popoki had received this taro land in the year 183(?). Kukuhe had given it to Popoki and the chief had given to Kukuhe. Mookahi is the name of the property. It has five patches and no one has objected, but Napoeha lives on this land now."

[No. 674 not awarded]