Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 10507
Claimant: Niheu
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Hawaii
District: Kohala, North
Ahupuaa: Aianakeanui
Ili: Palai, Kukui, Waipuilani, Naumu
Statistics: 2904 characters 449 words
No. 10507, Niheu, Ainakea, Kohala, January 17, 1848
N.R. 15v8

Ainakea nui is the Ahupua`a. Keoholawaia got it from Liholiho, Kaeo got it from Keoholawaia, Heanu got it from Kaeo, and I got it from Heanu. I have held this land for twenty five years.

F.T. 60v4
No. 10507, Niheu

Kealo, sworn, testifies that claimant occupies one piece of land in Ili of Palai, Ahupuaa Ainakeanui, which is thus bounded:

South by land held by witness
West by Ahupuaa Kapaau
North by waste land
East by ....

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.... d
Kohalawaho by Kapaau Ahupuaa
Makai by idle land
Hamakua by Ainakeaiki Ahupuaa.
Dry land, has been cultivated, no house.

4. Section IV, Ili in Naumu.
Mauka by Nawaa's land
Kohalawaho by idle land
Makai by Papiha Ili land
Hamakua by Ainakeaiki Ahupuaa.
Water land has not been cultivated, it is from Keaholawaia and he (Niheu) has today; no one has objected."

Kahoopiieoai, sworn and stated, "I have known exactly as Kealo has related here."

[Award 10507; Ainakea Kohala; 1 ap.; 60 Acs]