Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 10434
Claimant: Naehu
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Kauai
District: Halelea
Ahupuaa: Kalihiwai
Ili: Kamohio, Paa
Statistics: 3079 characters 499 words
No. 10434, Naehu
N.R. 287-288v9

To the Commission to Quiet Land titles at Hale Kauwila, greetings: I, a subject at Kalihiwai on the island of Kauai, hereby present my claim for land to you. It was from the time of Kaikioewa until this day on which it is stated to you, the Commissioners whom the Mo`i has designated to verify the claims of the people.

It is bounded as follows: On the east, 2 chains, on the south, 5 chains, on the west, 2 chains, on the north, 5 chains.

The /other/ land claim is 1 chain on the east, 8 fathoms on the south, 1 chain on the west, 8 fatho ....

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.... ai by Wahahua's land
Koolau by Wahahua's land/Haia's land.

Land from the Konohiki of the time, Makia in Kalihiwai and Kaikioewa was the alii of Kauai here. It was given to Naehu just before Kaikioewa's death and no one has objected since that time to the present.

Kaumana, sworn, he has seen Naehu's land in Kalihiwai, there are four lois in two sections. He has known concerning Naehu's land in the same was as Kupihea, no one has objected to Naehu to the present.

[Award 10434; R.P. 5272; Kamohio 1 ap. 1 rood 21 rods; Paakalihiwai 1 ap. 3 roods]