Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 10397
Claimant: Namai
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Hawaii
District: Hamakua
Ahupuaa: Waipio
Ili: Punalua
Statistics: 1238 characters 203 words
No. 10397, Namai
N.R. 360-361v8

Greetings to the Land Commissioners. I have seen the Elele /newspaper/ and therefore I am writing you for my lot claim, which is as follows: I have occupied it from the time of Kamehameha I unt ....

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.... ced in houses for Namai.

Old land from Kamehameha I; no one has objected."

Kealohi, sworn, "I have known exactly as Kuakahela has stated."

[Award 10397; R.P. 6783; Punalua Waipio Hamakua; 1 ap.; 4.2 Acs]