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No. 10333, Naiamaneo, Koloa, Kauai, 16 January 1848
N.R. 283v9
The Land Commissioners, greetings:
I, Naiamaneo, a subject of Hawaii living at Kahili, island of Kauai, hereby state my claim: its diagram is as follows:
The house is in another place.
I am, respectfully,
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.... I.
Opu died in 1847, the land was left to this wife Naaimeneo.
Kumokuohaliu, sworn, he has seen claimant's land claim in Kahili. Kalaeimanu's statements were accurate and both have known in the same way. No disputes to the present time.
[Award 10333; R.P. 3370; Kupe Kahili Koolau; 1 ap.; .75 Ac.]