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[No. 641, I.W.E. Maikai], claims No. 636 to 642
F.R. 99v2
Native Register, volume 2
N.R. 311-312v2
No. 641, I.W.E. Maikai
Greetings to you, Mr. Richards, the President of the Land Commissioners: At the direction of Wm. P. Leleiohoku, I hereby tell of his thought: He denies the claim of Mainae to the house lot just makai of the store of James Austin. He should not property petition you for that place; they are the retainers of Wm. P. Leleiohoku and under his authority from early times and up until now have had that house lot. Leleiohoku hereby tells you his thought; he is going to sell that place and he will compensate the people who are under his authority for the loss of this house claim. You should hear that he is thinking of selling to some native Hawaiians.
With aloha,
Fort of Honolulu, August 5, 1847
F.T. 165-166v1
Claim No. 641, J.W. Maikai counter to No. 210, Mainae, September 1 [1847]
Continued from page 160
J.W. Maikai, representative of Leleiohoku, stated that Kalaimoku appointed Kaiava, father of Mainae, on this land. Hoa went to Malo & said to Leleiohoku, let this place be fast because I have heard that Paki has something to say. Then Mal ....
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.... n that Kaua and Kaiwa are the people who had lived there before Kalaimoku had come and Kaua lived under Kaiawa. When I went to Kauai, and returned, it was the time of Kinau, but I knew that the men were for Kalai-moku.
See pg. 160, Vol. 3
*leles - (detached sections of lands in fields, seashore or forests)
N.T. 160v3
No. 641, J.W.E. Maikai, from page 273, volume II
Kaawa, sworn and stated, "I have seen Leleiohoku's house lot here in Honolulu which adjoins the corners of Chapel and Nuuanu streets, just makai of Kaulukane's husband's store. That had been Kalaimoku's lot and was given to Kana, who is Russian. When Kalaimoku was still alive, Kana left the place and went away. This was the time of Liholiho. He had bequested the place to Kaiawa, the father of Mainae and brother-in-law of Kana. Kana died in 1829 [sic] or 9 probably and Kaiawa continued to live there. He died in 1830 and he had bequested the place to his wife. Then at this time that woman discussed with Leleiohoku and Malo about that property while Mainae was living there and he has been living there undisturbed to this day.
Malo will be summoned as a witness. Page 272 N.T. volume II
[No. 641 not awarded; See Award 210]