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No. 10110, Maalahia
N.R. 292-293v7
Greetings to the Land Commissioners: I have a claim in an `ili in the Ahupua`a of Ohia on the Island of Molokai. The name of the `ili on the makai side is Pohakea. I received this claim a very long time ago from Apiki, the konohiki and have continued to occupy it until now. Our land has not had po`alima labor required of it. Its length is 188 fathoms on the east, and 154 fathoms on the west. It is 44 fathoms wide on the south and 7 fathoms on the north. I shall bequeath it to Kaialuau when I die, he will be above, and my wahine will be under him.
This is a sweet potato `ili. If my wahine should die, then the land will belong absolutely to Kaialuau. I have stated this to others. There also some "jump" pieces of this `ili, also, one is far Mauka by which is Pohakea 2. The width is 51. The length has not been measured because it goes far ....
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.... ana 2. pahale
Mauka, alanui Aupuni
Kaluaaha, "Manowai"
Makai, Kahookano
Kalamaula, Keili.
No Haalou mai i ka wa o Kamehameha II. a ua noho oluolu a keia wa, aka, ua keakea ke konohiki i keia mau apana aina a ua hele oia ma Maui. akolu paha makahiki kona haalele ana, he mala koele ko konohiki ma apana 1.
Luia, hoohikiia, Ua like pu ko maua ike, pela io no.
N.T. 115v6 [also page 36]
No. 1040!, Maalahia
[should be 10110]
Keili, sworn, Land is in the ili of Pohakea in Ohia, it was from Helehewa, no objections.
Section 1 - Pasture land,
Mauka and Manawai by Stream
Makai by Namakaelua
Keawanui by Stream
Section 2 - Pasture land
Extreme Mauka by wauke land
Makalii, sworn, they have known alike.
[Award 10110; R.P. 6553; Pohakea Ohia Kona; 2 ap.; 2.01 Acs]