Mahele Documents

10013B Leimanu
Claim Number: 10013B
Claimant: Mokuhalii
Other claimant:Leimanu
Other name:
Island: Kauai
District: Halelea
Ahupuaa: Kahili
Ili: Hoopala, Kapunahoe
Statistics: 2277 characters 340 words
No. [10013B], [Mokuhalii]
N.R. 251-252v9

[Listed erroneosly as 10013; should be 10013B]

I, Mokuhalii, hereby state my claim in another place, as follows: 5 chains on two sides, 9 chains on another side and 30 in another side /?sic/.
I am respectfully,

F.T. 161-162v12
No. 10013[B], Mokuhalii, Claimant /no claim in Index/

Kauoha, sworn, says I know lands of Mokuhali ....

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.... >Koolau by Alaiki's lois.

Land to Kumokuhalii from his parents at the time of Kaumualii 1. Kumokuhalii as a son received it directly in 1844, title secured from parents.

Kealawaa, sworn, he has seen Kumokuhalii's land in Kahili of Hoopala ili land. Verifies Kealawaa's statements as true and accurate, life has been peaceful.

[Award 10013B; R.P. 3880; Hoopala Kahili Koolau; 2 ap.; 1 Ac 1 rood 7 rods]