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No. 9991, Lolo, Kaamola, Molokai
N.R. 285v7
To the Land Commissioners: I, Lolo, have a land area in the Ahupua`a of Kaamola, Island of Molokai.
The combined lengths are 38 + 14 = 42 fathoms, the combined widths are 26 + 12 = 38 fathoms. It is bounded mauka by the road, to the eastward by Kumalaua, ....
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.... uka by road
Manae by Aarona
Makai by pond
Malalo by Keaweolu.
Section 2 - Lolo has some farming pastures also in the uplands and some of the konohiki's patches is in the first section. No one has objected to Lola.
[Award 9991; R.P. 5928; Keluolono Kaamola 6 Kona; (Kamolae); 3 ap.; 10.56 Acs]