Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 09917
Claimant: Lohi
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Oahu
District: Waialua
Ahupuaa: Kawailoa, Anahulu
Ili: Kalawaha, Hiwa, Keae, Ukoa
Statistics: 3067 characters 505 words
No. 9917, Lohi, Waialua, Oahu, January 18, 1848
N.R. 489-490v4

To the Land Commissioners: I, Lohi, hereby explain my claim. I have a right from Kahalau. 1. At Kalawaha, Ukoa, my house lot, which is partly surrounded by fence, and the ponds. 2. At Hiwa, Kawailoa Waena, three lo'i, surrounded by those of Lae ma, and the lo'i ko'ele. 3. Pahui, Ukoa, two mala of gourd, surrounded by those of Manumanu ma, and the wall; those are the boundaries of one mala of gourd. Another mala is bounded by the malas of Kahu ma. 4. At Anahulu, Kawailoa kai, are four lo'i on the southe ....

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.... br />Waianae, land of Moo
Makai, land of Lonokaeho
Koolaupoko,watercourse of Moo

Apana 4:
Mauka, Ukoa Pond
Waianae, Pihapihaulaula
Makai, road
Koolaupoko, formerly cattle enclosure for Emerson,

These were received from his wife, his parents, and also from his wife's older sister. Lohi's apana 2 was taken by Huki and it is apana 3 in his claim. Huki has returned this claim to Lohi's wife on this day.

Kuokoa, sworn, my knowledge of it is the same as Kahuna's.

[Award 9917; R.P. 2893; Kawailoa Waialua; 5 ap; 2.43 Acs]