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No. 9909, Nakaulaau
N.R. 282v7
The claim of Nakaulaau - 11 taro lo'i, a "jump" of the Ahupua'a of Kalaupapa, in the Ahupua'a of Kalaupapa, in the Ahupua'a of Waikolu, Molokai.
F.T. 157v15
No. 9909, Makaulaau, Kalaupapa, Oct. 3, 1853
Kamihaai, hoohikiia. Ua ke au i kon ....
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.... f land were from Naea in the time Kinau was alive, before 1839, and he has had quiet and undisputed possession until this time.
Kamaipelekane (Deputy Konohiki), sworn, His claim is good.
It was decided that Ap 1 would be surveyed as four acres only. Apana 2 was all right.
[Award 9909; R.P. 4815; Kalaupapa 2 ap. 4 Acs 126 fathoms]