Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 09900
Claimant: Kupainalua
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Molokai
District: Koolau
Ahupuaa: Kalaupapa
Ili: Ohia
Statistics: 3033 characters 483 words
No. 9900, Kupainalua, Kalaupapa, Molokai, February 18, 1848
N.R. 281v7

Greetings to the Land Commissioners: I have a claim for land in the Ahupua`a of Kalaupapa, Island of Molokai. It is a cultivated kihapai named Kualele; however, this kihapai is in the mo`o of Kaulu. The length of the kihapai is 12 fathoms and the width is 5 fathoms. It is bounded by Waihanau on one side, by Keahua on another side, and by Keolewa on the north. I received this land when Heeia was the konohiki at Kalaupapa. At this time, Opu had this kihapai, and when Heeia was dispossessed, Puaaloa was appoint ....

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.... Ili of "Ohia", Kalaupapa. It is kula land.

It is bounded as follows:
Mauka, a pali
Waikolu and Kaluakoi, land of Konohiki
Makai, a stream.

He received this land before 1838 and has had quiet and undis-puted possession.

Kamaipelekane (Deputy Konohiki), sworn, His claim is good - no objection.

N.T. 204v6 [also page 125]
No. 9900, Kupainalua

Wauke interest in extreme mauka in the center of the long pali in Ohia ili. Year 1819 A.D.

[Award 9900; R.P. 6136; Ohia Kalaupapa Koolau, 1 ap. 3.55 Acs]