Mahele Documents

8/26/2006 9:25:52 PM - last modified
Claim Number: 09832
Claimant: Kupukupu
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Kauai
District: Halelea
Ahupuaa: Waipa
Ili: Haako
Statistics: 1721 characters 293 words
No. 9832, Kupukupu
N.R. 461v9

To the Commission to Quiet Land titles at Hale Kauwila, greetings: I, a subject of Waipa, on the island of Kauai, hereby state to you the commissioners /my claim/ which is situated as follows: on the east, 6 chains 9 fathoms, on the south, 4 chains 10 fathoms, on the west, 6 chains 9 fathom ....

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.... ane is a grandparent of Kupukupu.

Makanui offers dispute for this land.

Puaiki, sworn, he has seen the house lot and taro lands of Kekupukupu just as Koukou has related.

[Award 9832 and Award 9831 are one award; R.P. 5374; Waipa Halelea; 3 apana, 1 Acre 57 Rods; See Award 9831 for F.T. and N.T. document]