Mahele Documents

1/28/2006 10:42:36 PM - last modified
Claim Number: 09831
Claimant: Punui, wahine
Other claimant:Kupukupu
Other name:
Island: Kauai
District: Halelea
Ahupuaa: Waipa
Ili: Haako
Statistics: 3031 characters 523 words
No. 9831, Punui (wahine)
N.R. 460-461v9

No. 9832, Kupukupu (heir)

To the Commission to quiet land titles at Hale Kauwila, greetings: I, a subject at Waipa on the island of Kauai, hereby state my claim for land. The taro lo`is are as follows: on the east, 3 chains 6 fathoms, on the south 1 chain 5 fathoms, on the west, 3 chains, 6 fathoms, on the north, 1 chain 6 fathoms. This taro lo`i is finished. Here is the second of the loko. On the east, 2 chains 7 fathoms, on the south, 2 chains 7 fathoms, on the west, 2 chains 7 fathoms, on the north, 2 chains 7 fathoms. Here ....

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.... l holds the lands in peaceable possession.

Puaaiki, sworn, says I know the lands of Kupukupu & they consist of 3 pieces as stated by Koukou. All that he has said is true.

N.T. 61v12
No. 9831, Punui

Koukou, sworn, he has seen Punui"s lands and Puunui is dead. The land is being transferred to his [her] heir, a son because he (Koukou) was the Konohiki at the time for Waipa.

[Award 9831 & Award 9832; both R.P. 5374; Waipa Halelea; 3 apana, 1 Acre 57 Rods; Note for 10658 Pehu says See Award 9832 - Award in Makaweli; See 9232]