Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 00585*M
Claimant: Lewis, Isaac
Other claimant:
Other name: Lui, Aikake, Kilui
Island: Maui
District: Lahaina
Ahupuaa: Kuhua
Statistics: 8843 characters 1550 words
No. 585*M, Isaac Lewis, Honolulu, Oahu, May 6, 1847
N.R. 270-273v2

Greetings to the Land Commissioners: I hereby tell you of the interests in my house lots here in Honolulu.

1. A house lot. The boundaries are: north, Kuakolu's house lot; east Lu's house lot and a house lot of mine; south, Nuuanu Street; west, house lot of Maiokahiki and of Keaka Hope /Jack Hope/. This is an old interest, from the Mo`i. Perhaps 19 or 20 years that place has been left with me. A part of it was taken by the Government Road and a replacement was given me by the Lunas. It was I myself who made all the improvements in this lot. It was idle land when I got it.

2. The boundaries re: north Lu's and Mua's house lots; east Johns house lot; south Nuuanu Street; east a lot of mine. This lot was from the Mo`i to my kaikaina. When my kaikaina died the Mo`i gave me this place.

Here is a kuleana of mine at Lahaina, at a place called Holualoa. The boundaries are: north a narrow road; east house lot of Kaluna and Kaiwalo; south Babati's /Robert/ house lot; west Government Road. This kuleana is from the Mo`i. Robert objected to me at this place and his survey of his lot entered into my lot. He has no right at all within my lot; this surveying is erroneous. I have some witnesses who know this.

My lots 1 and 2 in Honolulu have been surveyed and the diagrams are sent herewith. The survey of the place which the government gave me in replacement for that which it took /for the road/ has been completed. However, the haole to whom I leased that place has the diagram. When I get it I will send it.

Diagrams of the first lot of Isaac Lewis in the city of Honolulu, Oah ....

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.... 's property and he is living there now. Their (two) fence is older compared to the fence in the center that is the lot for which Coleman is objecting saying that property is for him. When Lewis' young brother died, Lewis had gone to tell the king about it and I had heard the king say to him, "The land and house lot shall be for you."

John Young and I are the ones who had heard this statement and the king had given this place to Lewis in the year 1837 and he lived there until we had returned to Maui with Isaac Lewis, then his young brother lived there under Isaac Lewis. George Coleman lived there also and at that time he had said that place was for him, He is now at Waikapu.

The boundaries are:
Nuuanu street is on the Waikiki side
John Kellet's place toward the mountain
Mua's lot and P. True's lot Ewa and
Maikahiki's lot is toward the sea.

Namauu, sworn by the Bible and stated, "I have seen this property. That property is for Lewis' daughter named Kapapanaha. John Lewis had owned the place in 1837. There were two lots at that time, were separated by a fence. The lot toward the sea is the lot the king had given to Isaac Lewis and when their mother had remarried to Coleman, at this time Coleman claimed this land to be his (land). When John Lewis had died, his young brother continued to live there with the mother. The lot which is on the ocean side of the lot on which they are living is for Isaac Lewis, granted by King Kamehameha III.

P. True is also objecting to him (Lewis) because there is no road, also that the place belongs to George Coleman.

[Award 585; R.P. 1838; Kuhua Lahaina; 1 ap.; .22 Ac.; no award on Oahu?]