Mahele Documents

09524 Kawaha
Claim Number: 09524
Claimant: Kaupena
Other claimant:Kawaha
Other name:
Island: Oahu
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Honolulu
Ili: Kahookane
Statistics: 1715 characters 277 words
No. 9524, Kaupena, Honolulu, February 4, 1848
N.R. 573v4

We, the persons whose names are below, are claimants.
I have some taro mo'os, and some kula.

F.T. 515-516v3
No. 9524, Kaupena, 23d February 1854, Disputed for the King.

Kaoa, sworn, says she knows th ....

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.... nd under me after the Division of '48. Witness objects to the claim for kalo patches only, not to the house lot. The patches are now in my charge, for the King.

Kawaha, the daughter of Hanaiahuhu, lives on the house lot at present.

[Award 9524; R.P. 1965; Kahookane Honolulu Kona; 1 ap.; .55 Ac.; Kaupena for Kawaha]