Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 09338
Claimant: Keapoahiwa
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Oahu
District: Ewa
Ahupuaa: Aiea
Ili: Kapakai
Statistics: 1254 characters 216 words
No. 9338, Keapoahiwa
N.R. 440v4

I, Keapoahiwa, am a claimant of a mo'o in the 'ili of Kealapii, Aiea, Ewa, Oahu. It is named Kapalakai, and it is as follows: on the north is Kaomuoiki, on the south is the stream, on th ....

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.... ant received this land from Kinimaka in the days of Kinau had has possessed it in peace ever since.

Kauaua, sworn says, I know this land and have heard the testimony of Kinolau & it is true.

[No. 9338 not awarded; See Award 2141]