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No. 9330, Kaaukuu
N.R. 438v4
I, Kaaukuu, am a claimant of kula, inland of Halawa, in the 'ili of Muliwai, Ahupua'a of Halawa, Ewa, Oahu. Its name is Makalii. This is my claim which was from Hahakea.
F.T. 14v9
No. 9330, Kaaukuu, claimant
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.... Halawa ahupuaa in Ewa, Oahu.
Mauka, Adjoining Koolau mountain
Honolulu, pali
Makai, Papuaa ili
Waianae, pali.
Kaaukuu's land from Paawela at the time of Kinau, no one objected to him.
Pualiilii, sworn, testimony similar to Kelea.
[No. 9330 not awarded]