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No. 9277, Kaneole
N.R. 447v9
Greetings to the Land Commissioners on the island of Oahu: I hereby describe my claim which is occupied at Waipa. The dimensions are shown /in the diagram of/ this lo`i claim; there is no kula.
F.T. 38-39v12
No. 9277, Kaneole, Claimant< ....
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.... humanu after Kaumualii's time. No objection at that time. Upon Kaneole's death, his wife received the land, but the Konohiki claimed it because of his status as Konohiki. The witness feels the widow should be the heir.
Mareko, sworn, verifies Pepee's statement.
[Award 9277; Waipa Halelea; 1 ap.; 1.25 Acs 29 rods]