Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 08954
Claimant: Kekupu
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Molokai
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Mapulehu
Ili: Eleele
Statistics: 3612 characters 587 words
No. 8954, Kekupu
N.R. 267v7

Greetings to the Land Commissioners: I have a claim in an `ili of Mapulehu Ahupua`a on the Island of Molokai. The name of this `ili is Mua. The `ili on the west is Puhiweuweu, for Kihilauakea. The `ili on the east is Kanaluaiwa, for Ku.* It is 60 feet by 20 fathoms. It was given me by Kanae.

I have cultivated this land until this day and go to the po`alima labor days for this land. I request that you award this land to me.

/The claim placed both the bounding `ilis on the west. However, in the previous claim the `ili of Kanaluaiwa is located on the east of Kekupu's claim./

F.T. 5v6
8954, Kekupu

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.... - Pasture.
Mauka by Kanae
Pukoo by stream
Makai by Kanae
Kaluaaha by pali.

Ku had given this land to have to the time of Kanae, the new konohiki.

N.T. 40v16
No. 8954, Kekupu, 3 November 1853

Kamai, sworn, he has seen his taro land in Eleele, Mapulehu.

[It is bounded]:
Mauka by konohiki's land
Halawa by Ku's land
Makai by Konohiula's land
Kaluaaha by Leonui and Mahoe's land.

Land from Kamai in 1844 or 1845 probably, and he has lived peacefully to the present.

J. Kanae, sworn, Kekupu's claim is correct.

[Award 8954; R.P. 7972; Mapulehu; 1 ap.; 81.6 fathoms]