Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 08907
Claimant: Kaiakea
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Molokai
District: Kona
Ahupuaa: Kaluaaha
Ili: Kuhuiohapuu, Namoo
Statistics: 2046 characters 309 words
No. 8907, Kaiakea
N.R. 245v7

I, the one whose name is below, hereby state to you, the Commissioners to Quiet Land Titles, that I have a claim for a lo`i and a kula kihapai, a tiny `ili within the `ili named Namoo, in the Ahupua`a of Kaluaaha, Island of Molokai. There are some witnesses. The lo`i is 114 feet on the north by 54 feet on the east. The kula has not been properly measured ....

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.... kai by Hikiole's land
Ualapue by Opunui's land.

Section 4 - Pasture land.
Mauka and Waialua by stream
Makai by Lukua's land
Ualapue by a pali.

Land from Kanakahi at the time of Hoapili, before 1839, no disturbances to the present.

Pulehu sworn both have known in the same way.

[Award 8907; R.P. 2915½; Kaluaaha Kona; 1 ap.; 7 Acs]