Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 08881
Claimant: Kalawao
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Maui
District: Kula
Ahupuaa: Kamaole
Ili: Kaukeakea
Statistics: 2290 characters 354 words
No. 8881, Kalawao, Kamaole, 25 January 1848
N.R. 490v6

To the Land Commissioners: I hereby stated my claims for a house lot at Kaluaihakoko. It was from my makuas.

Also, there is a moku mau`u* mauka, a portion of which is cultivated, and a maku mau`u of Irish potatoes.

/*No data, but believed to be an arable pocket of soil in rocky terrain./

F.T. 213v8
Cl. 8881, Kalaw ....

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.... hahapa, Kamaole ahupuaa.
Section 5 - Ili pasture Ihinui Kahakapa, Kamaole ahupuaa.
Section 6 - Taro ili Kaolulo Kahakapa, Kamaole ahupuaa.

Ancient land from parents.

Section 4:
Mauka by Pipio
Makawao by Kapohaku/Nalau
Makai by konohiki/Government land
Honuaula by konohiki.

Sections 5-6: Surrounded by konohiki boundaries.

[Award 8881; R.P. 544; Kamaole Kula; 1 ap.; 47.5 Acs.]