Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 08874
Claimant: Kaneae
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Maui
District: Wailuku
Ahupuaa: Waikapu
Ili: Kaloapelu
Statistics: 2526 characters 421 words
No. 8874, Kaneae, Waikapu, 31 January, [1848]
N.R. 489v6

I hereby write to you, the Land Commissioners, for my land claim. It is a pauku of land and within it are 24 lo`i. Three lo`i are below, and also a kula, and a house lot is also within this pauku. My occupancy of this land was received from Puna, and I occupy it now, occupied it in 1839, but our makuas occupied it long before. That is my claim of long occupancy. The witnesses to my right are Nalei and Makole.
KANEAE< ....

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.... >Mauka by my land [Kaai]
Waihee by Koma
Kula by Haa
Maa-laea by Kaai, also.

[No.] 2. is bounded:
Mauka by my land [Kaai]
Waihee by Kamakaipooa
Kula by Mahuka
Maalaea by Keakini.

[No.] 3. is bounded:
Mauka by Keakini
Waihee by my land [Kaai]
Kula the same [Kaai]
Maalaea the same [Kaai].

[No.] 4. is bounded all around by my land [Kaai].

[Award 8874; R.P. 3130; Kaloapelu Waikapu Wailuku; 3 ap.; 1.96 Acs]