Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 08745
Claimant: Kaawa
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Hawaii
District: Kohala,
Ahupuaa: Kukuipahu, Niulii
Ili: Maoloha,
Statistics: 2408 characters 383 words
No. 8745, Kaawa, January 19, 1848
N.R. 79v8

Kukuipahu is the ahupua`a, that is where my claim is [which I have held] for 10 months, from Leleihoku. Kohala district, Hawaii. In the ahupua`a of Niulii, ili of Ihupuu, is my claim for land received from Leleiohoku.

F.T. 104v4
No. 8745, Kaawa

Ope, sworn, testifies that claimant occupies four pieces of land in Ili of Maoloha, Ahupuaa Kukuipahu, which are thus s ....

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.... and
Kohalawaho by Kahawalu's land
Makai by Heau's land
Hamakua by idle land.
It has been cultivated; no house.

4. Section IV:
Mauka by my land
Makai by a street
Kohalawaho by konohiki
Hamakua by konohiki.
House-lot section and 1 house - It has a fence and all around is for the konohiki.

It was acquired during the time of Kamehameha I and I gave it to him /Kaawa/.

[No. 8745 not awarded]