Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 08744
Claimant: Kuahine
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Hawaii
District: Kohala, North
Ahupuaa: Honomakau
Ili: Kalualiolio, Kapua, Moeanoa
Statistics: 2276 characters 351 words
No. 8744, Kuahine, Kohala, Hawaii, January 18, 1848
N.R. 30v8

Kamehameha I gave it to Kauwa, Kauwa gave it to Kalaimoku, Kalaimoku gave it to Kalawa, Kalawa gave it to Kuakini. The name of the ili is Kalualiolio. Kuahine has occupied it for fifteen years.

F.T. 67v4
No. 8744, Kuahine

Kalanalele, sworn, testifies that claimant occupies one piece of land in Ili of Kalualiolio, Ah ....

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.... os;s land
Kohalawaho by idle land
Makai by Poai's land
Hamakua by a pali.
This is dry cultivated land and there is no house.

3. Section III:
Mauka and completely around, idle land.
There are two farms and 4 houses for him and his people.

This is a very old land acquired during the time of Kamehameha I; no one had objected.

[Award 8744; R.P. 6277, Honomakau N. Kohala; 1 ap.; 4.309 Acs]