Statistics: 1941 characters 285 words
No. 8711, Kaupakalani, February 7, 1848
N.R. 32v8
/?/[Halawa] the Ahupua`a, the ili is Kapua. The land was from Kamehameha I to Kaeo, Kaeo to Hakalauina, Hakalauina to Kalaualoha, Kalaualoha to Kaupakalani. I occupied it two years.
F.T. 56v4
No. 8711, Kaupakalani
Kalua, sworn, testifies that claimant occupi ....
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.... ho by Honomakau ahupuaa
Makai by Ulamealani's land
Hamakua by Puehuehu ahupuaa.
This is dry, tilled land and there is 1 house for him. He /Kaupakalani/ had received it in 1845; no one has objected.
Kaohe, sworn and stated, I have known [Left blank] [as] Kalua has related here.
[No. 8711 not awarded; Ahupuaa Kapua or Halawa, ili Kapua or Halawa]