Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 08708
Claimant: Kahiko
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Hawaii
District: Kohala, North
Ahupuaa: Kukuipahu
Ili: Panau, Puulaula, Pakukini
Statistics: 1193 characters 196 words
No. [8708], Kahiko
N.R. 33v8

The Ahupuaa is Kukuipahu, the ili is Panau. I, Kahiki, had it from Kaea and have occupied it for 15 years.

F.T. 81v4
Cl. 8708, Kahiko

K ....

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.... y idle land
Makai and Hamakua by my land.

A portion of it has been cultivated and there is a house. He received his interest from me during the time of Kamehameha II, no one had objections.

[No. 8708 not awarded]