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No. 486C, Kaei for Uluoa
F.T. 199-200v7
Kaauwai remembers that Kaei's claim was sent in before February 14, 1848.
Kaiwi, sworn, I know the lands of the claimant is in Keaaula, Lahaina. One piece of kula and one piece of kalo land of 25 lois.
The claimant received them from Keanu and Keanu from Kekuanaoa in 1846. His title is without dispute.
The piece o ....
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.... r />N.T. 119v10
No. 486C, Kaei (for Uluoa), 9 February 1852, vs. Keanu (from page 80 volume 5)
Ululoa appeared before me this day and was sworn - He has relinquished his claim to Keanu his konohiki, for him to sell or do at will with it without any oppositions from Uluoa and his konohiki name shall appear on the deed.
[Award 486C; R.P. 1113; Keaaula Lahaina; 3 ap.; 8 Acs 10 rods]