Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 08653
Claimant: Kekapai
Other claimant:
Other name: Kekapoi
Island: Maui
District: Kula
Ahupuaa: Kealahou, Waiakoa
Ili: Aipuaa, Kaulaula, Kaopupololu, Ahanamulei, Kalihi
Statistics: 4071 characters 612 words
No. 8653, Kekapai, Kula, January 16, 1848
N.R. 476v6

Greetings to the Land Commissioners: I have a claim at Waiakoa, for a mala of Irish potatoes, mauka.

I have a claim at Kealahou of Auliilii, a lot, Puaohoku is mauka, and Lonokea is a boggy place. I am the claimant of these two lands.

F.T. 171v8
Cl. 8653, Kekapai

Kamailio, sworn, The claimant's land are of seven pieces in the Ahupuaa of Kealahou and Waiakoa.

No. 1 - Kula land in the ili of Aipuaa, Kealahou ahupuaa.
No. 2 - Kula land in the ili of Kaulaula, Kealahou ahupuaa.
No. 3 - Kula land in the ili of Kaulaula, Kealahou ahupuaa.
No. 4 - Kula land in the ili of Aipuaa, Kealahou ahupuaa.
No. 5 - Kula land in the ili of Kaopupolo ....

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.... i
Makawao by Keahuaiui stream.

Section 3:
Mauka by Pii
Makawao by Keahuaiui stream
Makai by Manaele
Honuaula by Kamailio.

Section 4:
Mauka by konohiki, road
Makawao by konohiki
Makai by Pii
Honuaula by Kamailio.

Section 5:
Mauka by Lapalapahua
Makawao, Makai by ii
Honuaula by Kamakea.

Section 6:
Mauka, Makawao by Manaole
Makai by Kamakahiki
Honuaula by Keawe.

Section 7:
Mauka by Manaole
Makawao by Kaleohano
Makai by Kawelo
Honuaula by konohiki.

[Award 8653;R.P. 4752; Hanamulei Kealahou Kula; 1 ap. ;.69 Ac.; Kaopupololu Kealahou Kula;1 ap.; .58 Ac.; Kaulaula Kealahou Kula; 2 ap.; 4.26 Ac.; R.P. 4752 Kalihi Waiakoa Kula;1 ap.; .93 Ac.]