Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 08471
Claimant: Kaheana
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Hawaii
District: Hamakua
Ahupuaa: Waipio
Ili: Kalapa, Niulii, Olelokiekie, Kawaihae, Naolapaa
Statistics: 1935 characters 333 words
No. 8471, Kaheana, Waipio, Hamakua, February 5, 1848
N.R. 108-109v8

Greetings to the Land Commissioners: I hereby state my claim for land. Niuhi is a large land at Naolapaa in Waipio, Hamakua, Hawaii. Here are the loi`s, 1 mala of wauke, 1 mala of sweet potatoes, and 1 mala of lauhala trees. At Olelokiekie are 10 lo`i and 1 mala of coffee. At Kawaihae is 1 mala ....

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.... moa, A.D. 1839. Surrounded by land of Konohiki.

5. One field of wauke, on the Ili Kawaihae, Ahupuaa Waipio, for which he pays an annual rent to konohiki of 12½¢, has held and paid the rent since the year 1836. I know of no counter claim.

Kaawa, sworn, Knows the evidence of Honu to be true.

[Award 8471; R.P. 7050, Kalapa Waipio Hamakua; 2 ap.; 5.23 Acs]