Mahele Documents

Claim Number: 08465
Claimant: Kamakauahoa
Other claimant:
Other name:
Island: Maui
District: Wailuku
Ahupuaa: Kalua, Kaluaiki
Statistics: 2392 characters 394 words
No. 8465, Kamakauahoa, Waikapu, December 17, 1848
N.R. 466v6

My claim is for some lo`is in the `ili called Kaluaiki in Waikapu on Maui. I am under the lords of the land, however I received it from a certain man.

F.T. 416v7
Cl. 8465, Kamakauahoa

Hinakahua, sworn, I know the lands of the claimant. They consist of 4 pieces in the ili of Kalua, Wailuku, Maui.

No. 1 is ....

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.... No.] 2 is bounded:
Mauka by the land of Aiai
Waihee by the same
Makai by the same
Maalaea by land of Lukua.

[No.] 3 is bounded:
Mauka by the land of Aiai
Waihee by the same,
Makai by the same
Maalaea by land of Lukua.

[No.] 4 is bounded:
Mauka by Kuihelani
Waihee by land of Aiai
Makai by government lot
Maalaea by Kekino.

[Award 8465; R.P. 3525; Kalua Wailuku; 2 ap.; 2.83 Acs]